Friday, August 05, 2005

haha... very funny sia. some people told me not to bitch about them and put words in their mouth when their own circle of friends told me that they bitched about me... saying i'm a flirt in the school and all... saying i jio dem and when i failed i when to another person...

the real story is, i dint wanna jio that person after i realised she wasnt COMPATIBLE with me... and the next person i jio-ed actually LIKED me for a period... cause she confessed she had a CRUSH on me, but i shall not brood about it.. but you see.. it was definitely cause of the PEER PRESSURE she was facing that she decided to ignore me... which led to the start of rumours of me being a flirt... I've heard the whole story, and we all know ourselves whats true and whats not...

also.. i remember saying 4girls gossiping about me in school... not 5, i dint know a 5th person wanted to get herself involved... I mean she can get herself involved... haha. guess what.. she's the biggest backstabber of them all.. can you believe it... i dint wanna bad mouth about her, i actually had a good impression of her until she talked about me... I dint even mention about her in any of my blog entries... realli funny...

you know.. there's this quote in the bible.. something about noticing the LOG in YOUR EYE before noticing the SPECK in someone else' eye... what that means is we gotta realise about our own WEAKNESSES and FLAWS before noticing and BITCHING about the FLAWS of OTHERS! haha... now i know why some people name themselves BITCHES... they dont even realise their own flaws.. i admit mine.. I'm open-minded,sociable,loud... and just extremely friendly and OVER-TRUSTING.. but i definitely learnt one great lesson... there are always gonna be bitches who wanna ruin your reputation... people say others talk bad about you cause THESE people are just JEALOUS... I guess so... but i shall not be bothered...

you know... my friends told me i'd be ruining my r/ships with these people upon blogging this, and you know what... i dont even know why i'm doing this... i shldnt. i realli need to go for CONFESSION... i really feel so sinful right now... Mr.Tan says there's something called KARMA... what goes around just comes back to you... I guess you've been backstabbing thousands of people in your school.. it's time you get yours... I'm so sorry to say that. To add to that.. you all have 1mind... so each person has about one-quarter of a mind, wonder who the MASTERMIND is who controls the rest like zombies or even drones... you all aren't strong enuff to haf your own DECISIONS... whatever others say you believe... my god.. i really got nothing to say.. anyways,your own group of "friends" actually backstab you behind your back right.. so cool.. or is it the 5th party? hmmmsss.. the jealous one that i dint blog about and wanted to get herself involved. ah wells... nothing left to say

I dont wanna hate anyone,this the 1st time I've really hated someone cause I know they did something wrong to me which aint true. I've prayed and cried so many times to the Lord that people stop backstabbing me, but it just aint gonna happen... until people learn to keep their comments to themselves, cause people who know me... KNOW me... I dont give my close friends such an impression... sadly. Like I once said, "Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover". The world's stereotype and discriminative.. haha.. or perhaps cause I'm a EURASIAN and these people are racist... hmmms.

Okay, I shall stop bloggin... got nothing left to say..

*I'm really glad we broke up,cause you made me realise that I can't trust me, and perhaps you've never placed that trust in me. I pray to the LORD to forgive this people and I hope to make peace with them, not war. I dont wanna hate...

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